Process Statement

I get lost in sensation through music, the beats become embellished in my skin as the vibrations travel through my body. I am creating a portal that I can transcend to. The work “Fusible Future(s)”, is a manifestation of the future body as it enters this techno-topia post gendered world. It is an experience the dancers go through as they orient away from technical forms to embody the intangibility of the digital world. I am interested in the body as a site for visualization, and how the body radiates essences through movement. 

Within living in a world of binaries, I'm trying to create a space that recognizes duality and fuses these oppositions. Being a gay cis-gendered male, I am wondering how social constructs have supported my masculinity, but oppressed my sense of femininity. I'm wondering how queering the body out of social normalcy can question and challenge the binaries of feminine and masculine.

Im wondering what the future holds for queer people.

Ideas around queerness and futurism can question how we view eroticism. This stigma of indulging in sensuality and sexuality having a negative connotation is something that I would like to keep in the past. What is a future where we can be sensual without having an objectification of the body? How can music amplify this experience?


Catherine Bauermann, Robert Burden, Angelina Torres, Eduardo Jiménez Cabrera, Daniel Palladino, Emma Olivier, Becca Reyes, Kiki Carruth, Kaia Ranae (Martin), Liv Wymbs